
Help Categories

1. About TeamTix
2. Airline Related Details
3. My Account
4. Buying TeamTix

1. About TeamTix

What are American Airlines TeamTix, and how are they different than tickets?

What is the maximum quantity of TeamTix I can purchase?

Is there trading in the American Airlines TeamTix market?

When does the TeamTix Marketplace close?

What is the total amount that I pay?

2. Airline Related Details

Where do the flights originate from?

What are the departure/arrival dates and times?

What is the price of the airfare for this Round-Trip flight?

What happens if my team DOES NOT qualify to play in the game?

What happens if my team DOES qualify to play in the game?

How do I receive my Airline Tickets?

3. My Account

What should I do if I forgot my username or password?

How do I change the email address associated with my TeamTix account?

How do I change the password associated with my TeamTix account?

I submitted my request to reset my password. Why haven't I received an email with my new temporary password?

4. Buying TeamTix

How do I purchase TeamTix?

Is my payment method charged immediately for purchasing TeamTix?

What happens if my order fails?

What happens if I have a pending charge, but did not receive a confirmation email?

Where do I find additional support or customer service?